Hana Guenzl, Black Dot Gallery and Deep Vision have been featured in:

The City Weekly, Apparel, Fashion Journal, Australian Beauty, Sunday Telegraph, The North Shore Times, SMH, The ManlyDaily, Ragtrader, Art Gallery Guide, Ruby Connection, Channel 7 - ‘Today Tonight’, Channel 9 – ‘My House’, One Dubai TVChannel, Dubai Radio, Emirates magazines in the Gulf and Middle East regions, and Russia, Los Angeles e360TV and Sir Richard Branson #1 Best Seller book “THINK BIG” – Insights from Sir Richard Branson and international Thought Leaders to name a few.


Deep Vision provided services to companies in both the B2B and B2C markets on a national and global level.

Clients amongst others have been Faber Castell, Peroni Beer, Levendi Jewellery, Percy Marks, QVB, McGrath Foundation, Allambie Wines, Barrier Reef, SC&VB, Westpac, Ruby Connection, Deloitte, Austrade, NSW Department of Industry.


AWI – Egypt; Cultural and Educational programme

Dubai, DHL - UAE Australian fashion trade fairs (for two years)

Dubai, UAE various shopping centres

© Copyright 2025 Hana Guenzl | Deep Vision | Black Dot Gallery